I love teaching and helping people improve their results. Shoot, back in the day when I taught physics labs at Cal State Northridge I LOVED IT, then when I was a Contract Manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, I had the honor and privilege to teach other Contract Managers how to be more effective so that they could experience doing a better job and also to have time to share their lives with their families, and I LOVED IT!
I've asked people that I've interacted with, some are clients and some are friends in the business, "What are a few of the main things that stands out about me in the personal development industry?" ...and the three things that keep getting shared about me are: 1) Gary genuinely cares about the people he serves, 2) Gary genuinely cares about the information, and that 3) Gary absolutely and obviously LOVES TEACHING this material and SEEING the RESULTS people produce in their lives.
So, in implementing an effective method of personal management, I like the method that Napoleon Hill adopted which is briefly introduced in the chapter on “Organized Planning” in his book "THINK and GROW RICH" (TGR). Note that a PDF copy of TGR can be found in this website under "Free Resources." Scroll down to "FREE BOOKS" and you will find it there. ...and I put the Amazon link at the bottom of this note for you to purchase the book if you choose.
In the chapter Hill asks “What is Your ‘QQS’ Rating?” The QQS acronym means Quality, Quantity and Spirit - which is what I am all about.
- QUALITY in the performance of every detail.
- QUANTITY meaning displaying a habit of rendering all the service of which I am capable at al times. …and my
- SPIRIT of SERVICE displayed shall be construed to mean my employing the HABIT of agreeable, harmonious conduct which induces cooperation from all involved.
My continued goal is that if I can deliver to my customers each and every day a level 8+ in QQS, every day for a month. That defines my Level-10 month. This is my goal of how I want to work with you. AND, at the same time, you have to do the work. It’s much like a weight loss goal: I can eat healthy, in the proper proportions, and strenuously work out all I want for a year, and it will not cause you to lose any weight. You have to do the work and I will be especially proud to help guide you on your journey, as that is the job of the coach, that is the work that I will do – for YOU! ...and I am excited to help get you on your way NOW - are you? Book a Call with me in the box above and let's get you on the path to success in whatever endeavor you want.
I feel that Earl Nightingale defined it best, when he said: "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." You've got to be making progress toward your goal to be successful. I can't wait to talk with you. Book our conversation call NOW! You'll see that I call it a 30-minute Tea with GaryG. There is no obligation, it's just a few minutes to take a break and have have some tea while talking about your goals. Let's chat!
PS: Here is the Amazon link to purchase the Napoleon Hill Foundation supported version of "THINK and GROW RICH," if you choose. I highly suggest getting this copy!! ...and it's only about $15! Copy and paste this link into your browser url: https://bit.ly/Buy_TGR_Amazon