
Gary's Professional Background


Gary Glass Consulting

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Here is a brief summary of Gary Glass's professional background and the experiences that shaped his career.

Gary began life after High School as a drifter, a person that had no goals and no direction. He sometimes attended the local Junior College and pretty much flunked out.   


He became a fry cook and later a plumber specializing in sewer cleaning for a company called "The Drain Surgeon."  After a particularly dirty job, he made the committed decision to go back to school, earn some sort of an engineering degree, get a job in the aerospace industry with all the benefits - high pay, retirement, health care, optometry, dental, sick leave, and paid vacations!  Eight years later he began a 30+ year career with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  Here are more of his results in some detail...


Gary has earned multiple degrees and certifications over his lifetime. From his Traditional Technical Education he earned a double major Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics and Physics and later a Masters of Science in Physics all from California State University at Northridge (CSUN). He then began an interest in real estate and business and earned Certificates from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension in Personal Financial Planning and General Business with a Concentration in Real Estate.


His interest in business blossomed into becoming a Contracts Technical Manager and Group Supervisor at JPL, leading to a Executive Masters of Business Administration from the Claremont Graduate University (CGU) at the Drucker School of Management. While attending CSUN he was a graduate assistant and taught undergraduate Physics Laboratories in Mechanics, Sound and Heat; Electro-Magnetics, Optics, and Quantum Physics; as well as Nuclear Physics. He taught eight laboratory classes per year for four years. During his last three years at CSUN, he was hired as an Academic Part Time employee at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which carried over into working full time.


His experience at JPL extended for over 32 years, when he retired. He began working as a technician in the Advanced Cryo-Electronics Group where he played a role in the delivery of ground based Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers to NASA's Deep Space Network. After six years of working on ground based telecommunications systems, he had the opportunity to advance to design and test work on flight systems and was a part of three spacecraft launch teams (for the Mars Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor, and Deep Space-1 missions), then was responsible for the procurement of various flight telecommunications hardware for missions all over the solar system - including the rovers on the surface of Mars.

 During his time at JPL, and while studying business, Gary became interested in real estate investing and generated a reasonably sized portfolio. He additionally supported a few small businesses as both a consultant and investor - these include a retail clothing business for first responders and a studios equipment leasing business.  He still enjoys studying the various methods and models of investing and doing business.


Gary become interested in studying real estate attending a Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network seminar in 1992, and still studies real estate markets to this day.  It was Marshall who introduced him to the ideas in Robert Kiyosaki's book RichDad/PoorDad, back in 1999 - which had a tremendous effect.  Gary attended all of Robert's live presentations through 2006, and still loves to play Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Board Game at every opportunity.  He continues his Personal Development education from the giants of the industry, including: Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, PSI Seminars, Dr Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, Dr Joe Vitale plus lots and lots of Napoleon Hill.   Gary implemented all this education and has gotten real results for countless numbers of people as  a Certified Proctor-Gallagher Consultant, a Certified Coach with the Napoleon Hill Institute and as a Certified Instructor with the Napoleon Hill Foundation.


He still loves improving himself as seen in achieving better and better results in his own life.  He LOVES the work, LOVES teaching it, and especially LOVES seeing the results other people achieve in their lives.  Whether that life improvement is in their careers, in business, in their health and wellness, in their relationships, or the level of self leadership that they choose to take on. He truly has come home to teaching, although the topic has changed from Physics to coaching in Personal Development.  It's just too much fun!!!


Who would have guessed that the dreams of a small Gary Glass, who as a child wanted to somehow work on missions similar to those that put Neil Armstrong on the moon would ever have come to fruition.  Yet, even though without knowing, it was the principles taught by Napoleon Hill that made that dream become a reality. 


I'll ask you - what dreams do you have?  Are you ready to get started to make them a reality?   I did it, I know you can do it too, anyone can.  I invite you to a free, no obligation, phone call to help you move forward toward your dreams.  All you have to do is click the "Contact" button at the top of this page to schedule a 30-minute tea with me.  Do it now, you'll be glad you did.